كلية التربية النوعية | جامعة دمياط

الأبحاث العلمية

م اسم الباحث عنوان البحث مكان النشر سنة النشر تحميل البحث
1 M.M. refaat , Gamal Mos. El Sharkawey , El saied Abd El razek , Rasha Gh. Arafa Some Design Criteria necessary for the preparation of Web databases for the development of the cognitive aspects of the statistical analysis to graduate students Some Design Criteria necessary for the preparation of Web databases for the development of the cognitive aspects of the statistical analysis to graduate students 2012 تحميل البحث
2 Dr:ElsaeedElsaeed Mohammed Abdelrazek Lecture in Computer Teacher Preparation Department, Assistant professor: Gamal Moustafa Elsharkawy The effects of usage some strategies of the electronic reaction in development reaction skills with the Web 2.00 Applications to the graduate students in the faculty of education Egyptian Association for EducationTechnology(EAET),Scientific Conference OF Egyptian Association for Education Technology 2009 تحميل البحث
3 DR.M.AMASHA and ABDULKARIM A. AL SAIF, PH.D-AL-QASSIM UNIVERSITY A model of e-learning course for teaching and learning with edublog and social network services (sns) Jornal Study of Information 2010 تحميل البحث
4 Ahmed Abd Elghane Ewees AUTOMATED ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS' ARABIC FREE-TEXT ANSWERS International Journal of Intelligent Computing And Information Science 2012 تحميل البحث
5 Safaa Mahmoud Elatawy Using the Computer to Develop the Skills of Designing Presentation Shows for Pupils of Private Needs Faculty Of Specific Education,Damietta University   تحميل البحث
6 Abeer Mohamed Hasan Saad The Effectiveness of a Suggested educational software to develop the skills of electronic design magazines and publishing it on the Internet for the Students of The Educational Media Department faculties of education quality JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF EDUCATION, ALAZHAR UNIVERSITY 2009 تحميل البحث
7 Amany Sayed Mattar Al-Sharawy Suggested Form For Using Expert Systems stems In Pre-University Education Faculty Of Specific Education, Damietta University   تحميل البحث
8 Rania Amid Abo Galala THE EFFECT OF USING VIRTUAL LAB ON Teaching Mathematics For primary Stage. Faculty of Specific Education, Damietta University   تحميل البحث
9 Dalia Khairy Omar Hebishy The Effectiveness of suggested Electronic Collaborative Learning based on some Web2.0 tools to develop Teaching Practice for Students at Computer Teacher Preparation Department Magazine of Education Faculty, Mansoura University. 2011 تحميل البحث

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